Sunday, June 10, 2018

Prague Fringe Festival 2018: Stuck


How do I begin to describe Stuck? Quite simply, it was weird. I read the synopsis prior to the show and was really excited to see it tackle the issues of climate change, something that is affecting us at this very moment. However, I don't think the concept was shown as clearly as the description suggested.

I do have to commend the acting, as much as the narrative was strange, and I was left unsure as to what the 'breaking' actually is, the acting was one part of the show that was not a let down. Each actress was fully immersed into their role. Whether that was becoming more and more trapped by what I can only presume is pollution created by humans or by 'giving birth' and not necessarily to a child.

I do think it is a show everybody should experience, but would I go again? Quite frankly, no. Though, it lends itself as a show that you can very much discuss afterwards. Whether that discussion is a political interpretation of the show or taking it at face value is entirely dependant on how you see the show.

3/5 Stars

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